We returned home this weekend from our epic Everest adventure after a requisite five days of "re-acclimatization" to sea level at the Four Seasons Resort in Koh Samui, Thailand. It's true, just about any hotel with a hot shower, a bed with actual sheets, and a sit down toilet would have made us happy after two months of living in a tent. However, this place was over the top luxury and just what we needed! We actually brought along a brochure for this resort to hang in our tent during our expedition and it served us quite well as motivation! When the going got tough on the mountain and the weather was miserable, we only needed to say two words to one another to keep pushing on: Four Seasons!
We would like to give a special thanks to the Resort Manager Alex Porteous, who went out of his way to make sure we were treated like royalty. He even had this watermelon carved for us with an incredibly accurate portrayal of Mt. Everest! If you have an urge for an unforgettable vacation at one of the most stunning resorts in the world - you must consider this place! http://www.fourseasons.com/kohsamui/ ...and ask Alex for a special watermelon!
Gratefully Yours,
-Paul & Denise